7-8 September 2023
7th International Congress Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice
"Anchor and moor"
Let´s go to HAMBURG 2023!
APNs together for safe patient care in health systems
In cooperation with the HAW University Hamburg
Location: Alexanderstr. 1, 20099 Hamburg
Interlude 6 September 2023:
Tea Time Lecture 5.0 of HAW Hamburg
2 days ticket 260 € (Non-members of DNAPN)
1 day ticket 130 € (Non-members of DNAPN)
2 days ticket 140 € (active Members / students of HAW)
1 day ticket 70 € (active Members / students of HAW)
Price for speaker (1 day free) / 2. day 70 €
The focus of the 7th International APN & ANP Congresses was the safe care of patients in different settings and health systems with the participation of Advanced Practice Nurses.
- Framework conditions for Advanced Practice Nursing to design safe patient care
- Patient safety in various APN fields of action (e.g. community health nursing, clinical care, inpatient long-term care)
- Role development APN – Clinical leadership and safe patient care
- Covid-19 pandemic and Advanced Practice Nursing
- Safe patient care as a goal of interprofessional collaboration
- Research methods and Advanced Practice Nursing
APN Phenomenon Award 2023
Nursing with extended and in-depth practice (Advanced Practice Nursing) focuses scientifically on the needs of patients, realizes health care at a high professional level, takes innovative paths in practice development and defines standards in the quality of nursing care.
This care deserves attention and recognition!
The German Network Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice g.e.V. awards the APN Phenomenon Award 2023 for particularly outstanding achievements in the development, implementation and evaluation of ANP concepts.
The prize is for two awards each 500 euros.
The selection of the works to be awarded is made by submitting a contribution of a maximum of 12,000 characters including spaces plus a reference list.
The closing date for entries is 8 June 2023.
Each contribution should be structured as follows:
Problem, objective, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion. The text must be anonymized, i.e. no real names, city names, institutions or country-specific job titles.
The Scientific Advisory Board selects two papers to receive the APN Phenomenon Award 2023. It is expected that the submitters will present their work to the professional public in the form of a 15-minute lecture at the 7th International Congress Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice, 8th September 2023 in Hamburg. An abstract of the presentation will be published in the abstract volume of the congress.
The selection criteria are:
- Innovative power of work for the professional field of an Advanced Nursing Practice
- Relevance of the work for ANP practice
- Scientific claim of the work
- Methodological innovation